My Newest Artwork!


This is my newest artwork! πŸ˜€ I named it Glistening (for no reason) XD


Let’s talk about art theft. Art theft has been getting worse lately. Many people are either just bluntly stealing the artwork, or they ask the artist to borrow the artwork to “post online”, but then they turn around and sell the atrwork.

Why am I suddenly so mad about this? Because my art has been stolen .FOR THE SECOND TIME. I’m really mad because I work really hard on all of my artworks.

I’ve been forced to watermark all of my artworks now because I’m afraid people will start making money off of my art. I DO NOT post ANY of my artworks ANYWHERE else except for here, Facebook, and Zingbox. If you see my art anywhere else, please contact me ASAP. πŸ˜€

If you want free art, then learn to draw yourself. It’s called using that brain of yours. πŸ˜€

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